Saturday, 22 December 2012


Hello out there!

Just a quick post to show you an outfit I wore recently to a Nigerian wedding.

I was stuck for what to wear as everything was too summery! Luckily I found a skirt I had custom made which I westernized!

Apologies for the poor photo quality - hubby was watching the sports!

Thanks for reading!
C xx

Shirt: H&M+, Necklace: H&M, Skirt: Custom made

Work flow

Hello out there!

December has been a busy time for me work wise so apologies for not posting as regularly as I should be!

I am quite lucky that I have a job that has a relaxed dress code, it means I can be quite creative and also, if I am having an off day, I don't need to put a suit on! Below are a couple of typical outfits I would wear to work..

Thanks for reading!
C xx

Shirt: ASOS Curve, Jeans: Dorothy Perkins, Shoes: Converse

Shirt: ASOS Curve, Leggings: H&M, Bodycon dress (worn as top): ASOS Curve, Wedges: Office

Jumper dress thing: ASOS (2009) Leggings: H&M, Wedges: Office

Saturday, 8 December 2012

New shopping find!

I love coming across new labels and places where I can clothe my big ass, so I wanted to let you in on my new find: Coco Curve, an online boutique specialising in plus- sized clothing! The boutique is owned by a gorgeous lady, Chelsea Duarte who I happened to stumble across on my Instagram (I'm addicted!). She is also the UK editor for the fabulous Skorch magazine! One of my favourite pieces is her long maxi dress which is perfect for winter, which I will definitely be purchasing!. Check it out!

C xx

Friday, 7 December 2012

LPSFW Model Casting and OOTD

Hello out there!

So following on from my previous post regarding the exciting London Plus Size Fashion Weekend that will take place in February 2013, I went down to the model casting on Saturday 1st December to strut my stuff!

Its clear to say that, I was extremely nervous! I was surrounded by a lot of extremely beautiful plus sized women some who were professionals and some who were "amateurs" like myself.

Overall it was a very quick casting, I met with Rianne Ward of Evolve magazine, Remi Ray, from Trapped in a Skinny World and the stunning Anna Shillinglaw from Milk Management who said I had a lovely shape!

They asked me a series of questions, such as, what I did for a living, my dress size and height. At 5'4 I am short to be a model, but I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to no matter what size or height you are!

If I don't get selected for the show, I won't be disappointed, I had a great time and good feedback which has boosted my confidence and I will definitely be getting tickets for the fashion weekend!

After the casting, I went out with some friends for a birthday party and chose some of my favourite ASOS pieces!

Dress: ASOS Curve (As top) Skirt: ASOS Shoes: ASOS

Thanks for reading!
C xx